Get a good pair of compression leggings.
Before you even hit the pavement you need the right gear. Compression leggings are ideal for running. Light compression increases blood flow to your leg muscles, maximizing the amount of oxygen that gets to your cells. Leggings are also lightweight and breathable, and they prevent the dreaded runner’s chafe.
Look for a quality pair of men’s leggings with extras like crotch support, pockets for your essentials, and a loop for your shirt or towel.
Start with short intervals.
Trying to run a 10k the first time you hit the road is a recipe for pain and injury. You may kill it at the gym every time, but when it comes to running there’s no shame in starting out slow.
Start by doing run/walk intervals—1-2 minutes of running followed by 1-2 minutes of walking. Keep increasing the intervals until you’re comfortable making the switch to all running. Easing into it will help you build up your endurance and keep your joints from getting overstressed.

Check your form.
If your arms are flailing out wildly at your sides or your heels are hitting the ground hard when you run, you’re doing it wrong.
Your feet should land directly underneath your body when you run. As your foot strikes the ground, your knee should be slightly flexed so that it can bend naturally on impact. Don’t lean forward—your body should be upright and straight.
Keep your shoulders low and loose and look straight ahead, not down at your feet. Your arms should swing slightly forward and back with your hands in an unclenched fist.
If you’re not sure whether your form is right, ask a friend.

Choose the right surface.
The surface you choose will change the amount of impact on your joints and the kind of workout you get. Running on paved paths and sidewalks is convenient, but it’s harder on your joints since it doesn’t cushion your steps. Trail running provides better cushioning for your joints, but there’s a higher risk of tripping or turning your ankle on rocks, bumps, and roots.
Treadmill running is often a runner’s sweet spot. The machines provide an even running surface, and they’re designed to absorb shock. And most treadmills have incline and resistance features that let you mimic the elevation changes you get with outdoor running.

Stretch immediately after you run:
Stretching after a run when your muscles are warm and pliable will help prevent post-run soreness. It can also improve your flexibility and increase your range of motion. And better range of motion will decrease your risk of muscle strains and overuse injuries in general. Don’t skip this important step—dedicate 5 to 10 minutes after each run for stretching.

Running is one of the best ways to burn calories and build your cardiovascular fitness. It’s great for building endurance, and it can boost your mental toughness and give you that venerated endorphin high. Haven’t run a mile since high school? Don’t worry about it. Here are some tried-and-tested running tips for beginners to help you get started.
Get a good pair of compression leggings.
Matador Meggings is a unique athleisure fashion company that’s taking men’s athletic leggings to the next level. Our men’s leggings are designed specifically to fit, flatter, and support the male body.
They feature moisture-wicking performance fabric, two pockets (one open, one zippered), and a convenient loop to secure your towel or shirt. There’s also a removable molded crotch insert to prevent any unwanted gawking.
Together with our customers and fans, Matador Meggings is creating a supportive community focused on fitness, authenticity, and brotherhood..