three guys and two girls in fantasy cosplay clothes

Cosplay 101: Cosplay Ideas for Men in Meggings

If you’re new to cosplaying, get ready to enter a world of fashion, pop culture, and creative character design. Cosplay can be a lot of fun and a very rewarding experience. Read our guide to learn more about cosplay and to get inspiration for your own costume ideas.

What Is Cosplay?

Cosplay is a portmanteau of "costume play” and is essentially one big costume party for nerds and pop culture lovers. Most people at these events dress as characters from their favorite anime, video game, tv show, movie, or some other form of media. If you’ve ever worn a Halloween costume of a Star Wars or Dragon Ball Z character before, then you’ve participated in cosplay.

Aside from just dressing as their character, many cosplayers also participate in roleplay as well. One of the most fun aspects of cosplay is repeating some of your character’s most famous dialogue and acting out their mannerisms and gestures.

Throughout history, people have enjoyed dressing in costumes and acting as their favorite character. The art of cosplay has origins dating back to the early 15th century. During this time period, people would dress as historical figures or fictional characters from written stories and stage plays. This practice evolved into modern cosplay at the 1st World Science Fiction Convention in 1939.

Meggings Are Essential for Cosplay

Creating a cosplay costume can be a lot of work, but using meggings as a base makes the whole process easier. Meggings are comfortable, functional, stylish, and come in a variety of colors and patterns, making them perfect for a wide range of characters. Furthermore, meggings come with a molded crotch concealing cup and slimming compression technology to increase the sex appeal of your outfit.

Cosplay Ideas in Meggings

Are you looking for easy cosplay ideas that can be completed without any sewing or design skills? Pairing Matador Meggings with the right top and accessories is a great option for creating a complete costume. Check out these cosplay ideas that are stylish, recognizable, and easy to recreate.

Scorpion Warrior from Mortal Kombat

Dressing as the Scorpion Warrior from the beloved Mortal Kombat video game series is a simple yet effective cosplay costume. Once you have the black meggings, you just need to buy or make a yellow vest and matching yellow face mask. This look kicks ass!

black meggings

Goku from Dragon Ball Z

One of the most popular anime cosplay creations is Goku from Dragon Ball Z. Wear orange meggings with a matching orange top and pair it with a blue belt and undershirt. Don’t forget to also get a Goku wig, or stock up on hairspray beforehand so you can create the look on your own.

starburst meggings

Thor from the Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is more popular than ever before, making characters like Thor extra-recognizable. To recreate this look, you’ll need a red cape, blond wig, hammer prop, and black meggings. For added dramatic effect, you could wear black thunder meggings instead to highlight his superpower of manipulating the weather.

black thunder meggings

Stormtrooper from Star Wars

In a galaxy far, far away, there exists the perfect cosplay outfit. Dressing up as a stormtrooper is a ton of fun, and can be easier than you think. There’s no need to invest in an entire stormtrooper suit if you have white meggings and a white t-shirt. Just make sure you wear the iconic helmet.

marble meggings

Jon Snow from Game of Thrones

There are many beloved characters from Game of Thrones, but Jon Snow is one of the most easily recognizable. With black meggings and a furry black coat, you’ll instantly be transformed into the Prince of Dragonstone. Getting the details right, like his sword and curly black hair, will help sell the whole costume.

Black meggings with zipper pocket

Popular Cosplay Events

There are lots of ways to celebrate and show off your cosplay. You can host a private Halloween party with friends, join a virtual convention, or attend an in-person event. Conventions like Cosplay Mania and Comic Con are some of the most popular events for fans to attend.

The top three biggest cosplay events are the two American Comic Cons and the Cosplay Mania in the Philippines. San Diego Comic Con and New York Comic Con are hosted in the United States. These events are typically held in the summer, although the exact dates change annually. At these events, people spend the day dressed in cosplay, connecting with fellow fans, discussing their favorite characters, and meeting content creators who worked on their favorite pieces of pop culture.

Aside from these three main events, there are many other conventions where cosplay is popular. Any anime expo or pop culture event is sure to inspire cosplay. These types of popular events for dressing in cosplay exist all over the globe. Every year, thousands of individuals around the world dress up in cosplay and enjoy these various conventions.

How to Connect With Other Cosplayers in Your Area

Cosplaying and attending conventions are social events, so it is important to form connections with other fans in your area. One of the best ways to meet these individuals is by finding them online or on social media. Check out cosplay forums, websites, and groups to meet new people. You can also browse social media for related hashtags or find other cosplayers on a variety of meetup apps.

male cosplay

Are you ready to dress as your favorite character and show your love for the fandom through fashion? Matador Meggings is the best choice for creating comfortable, functional cosplay. Browse our extensive selection of meggings today, and send us your photos of your completed cosplay outfits!